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E-Way Bill system now integrated with VAHAN system and some suggestions.


Vehicle number (RC) entered in e-way bill will now be verified with the VAHAN System for its existence/correctness.

VAHAN System provides a nationwide search over the digitized data of Registered Vehicles. VAHAN is a highly flexible and comprehensive system that takes care of all the activities of Vehicle Registration. You can always check your vehicle number in VAHAN system below;

Filling up of Part-B of the e-way bill is a must for movement of the goods, except for within the same state movement between consignor place to transporter place, if distance is less than 50 Kms.

As per the new e-way Bill rule, e-way bill can be generated by the tax payer after entering the Part-B. If he is not having the Part-B details and transporter is going to update the Part-B, then he/she has to compulsorily enter the transporter id to generate the ‘Part-A Slip’.

The Vehicle number can be updated by the generator of the e-way bill or the transporter assigned by the generator for that particular e-way bill.

The e-way bill can be assigned from one transporter to another transporter, for further movement of consignment. Under this circumstance, the latest transporter, assigned for that e-way bill, can update Part-B of EWB.

One e-way bill can go through multiple modes of transportation before reaching destination. As per the mode of transportation, the EWB can be updated with new mode of transportation by using ‘Update Vehicle Number’.


Vehicle number not available on VAHAN

If Vehicle no. is not available in the VAHAN system user will get ‘Alert Message’ about the non-availability of vehicle number in VAHAN database.

If alert message comes it mean the vehicle number entered in the EWB is not available in VAHAN Database, you are requested to hence check and update the vehicle registration with your concerned Regional Transport Office (RTO), otherwise after sometime this vehicle number will not be allowed for e-way bill generation.

Vehicle number available on VAHAN but still alert message pops up

If Vehicle number is there in VAHAN system but not available in e-way bill portal. You can contact the E-way bill Helpdesk and submit your grievance specifying the details of vehicle.

It states that vehicle is registered in more than one RTO

If you receive a message where it states that Vehicle is registered in more than one RTO, you need to approach your RTO and request for updation of the office. Once the details are updated this message will not appear again. Not doing so, later it will be treated as Vehicle no. is not existent and may not be allowed for e-waybill generation.

Unable to find your vehicle details on VAHAN

If you are unable to unable to find your vehicle details on VAHAN, you need to visit your RTO with original RC and other documents and get the details updated in the VAHAN Database.

Vehicle number is with temporary registration

If the Vehicle number is with temporary registration, the details are not verified and enter the temporary number starting with TR.



  • Govt can verify (to the extent logically feasible) that nature of goods transported (this can be verified by the qty and hsn entered) in vehicle corresponds to the vehicle class. This can ensure the manipulations in eway bill reduced to a certain extent.

  • Govt can upto a certain extent (as to extent digitally possible) verify route of the vehicle traveled with to and fro details mentioned in eway bill. Integration with FASTag can be helping hand towards the same. This can avoid multiple and false trips on single eway bill.

  • If goods are transported by transporter i would suggest that taxpayers should shift burden of filling PART B by transporter itself.

  • Incorrect details of vehicle number should be avoided.

  • If on VAHAN there exists no database of vehicle, i suggest to take immediate action as otherwise after sometime this vehicle number will not be allowed for e-way bill generation.

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